Monday, November 5, 2012

Tuesdays With Dorie: Berry Galettes and Cranberry-Walnut Pumpkin Loaves

Here's my catch-up post for Tuesdays With Dorie. It takes me out of arrears for two of the three recipes I've missed. Fortunately for these two, no insane ingredients! (Although I'm tempted to say that fresh cranberries are a borderline insane ingredient as they were shy of coming into season when I made the bread, it was easy enough to use dried cranberries instead.)

Berry Galette (top photo). Loved it. I'd make this again, for sure. While I made a blueberry batch, I am tempted to say that the raspberry galette is one of the most beautiful things I've ever made. So simple, but so alluring.

Cranberry-Walnut Pumpkin Loaves (bottom photo). Not worth the effort, if you ask me. Plus, they are ridiculously tiny. If I were to revisit this recipe, I'd made one big loaf of bread. A side note: The tiny loaves would be great sliced, toasted in the oven, and used as base for some sort of holiday appetizer.

One thing I've discovered this far into TWD is that I really enjoy making bread. I'd forgotten that. A loaf of bread feels like a real accomplishment.

I'm looking at making a batch of bagels some time during Thanksgiving weekend.

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